Award show deteriorate might be over, but "Up in the Air" singer Vera Farmiga is still celebrating.The Oscar endowment hopeful and her husband, former Deadsy rocker Renn Hawkey, are awaiting their second child, In Touch Weekly reports."She is 3 months profound and due in October," a source told the mag. Upon anticipating out she was expecting, the singer had to reportedly dump out of the arriving movie "Machine Gun Preacher," in that she was set to fool around the mother of singer Gerard Butler."The purpose would have meant roving to Africa this summer, but given her baby is due in the fall, she would have been as well far along to have the trip," the source added.However, story might not be repeating itself this time for Farmiga, who already has a 1-year-old son declared Fynn.Only dual weeks after her sons birth, the singer began operative on "Up in the Air." Her opening garnered such vicious commend that it warranted her an Academy Award assignment for most appropriate ancillary actress. However the experience was bittersweet for the initial time mom."I could never retrieve these initial changed moments of maternity," she told USA Today. "[But] I indispensable to compensate my mortgage. It wasnt an option. I had to do the role."Farmiga and Hawkey, both 36, have been tied together given 2008.
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